Cardano: The base layer.

Networks, the combination is greater than the sum of the parts.

Networks, the combination is greater than the sum of the parts.

With new and amazing networks being designed and implemented around the world, the next generation has an amazing opportunity in front of it. There are many networks being created to accomplish different things in the digital world, and with the right equipment schools could be a major part of some of these networks, both in processing transactions as well as taking part in governance.  MAV100 seeks to combine the best of the emerging networks, so students can be a part of the potential rewards.
More info
Helping run the base layer.

Helping run the base layer.

Due to its efficient and safe design based off of peer reviewed research the Cardano network has a lot of potential to run as a foundational settlement layer for many of the worlds transactions. Additionally the up-coming governance improvement proposal CIP-1694 offers an opportunity for students to get directly involved in decision-making, making the Cardano network an ideal choice.
More info on CIP 1694
Highly Cost Efficient and Environmentally Sound

Highly Cost Efficient and Environmentally Sound

Running a node takes only a small investment in equipment (usually less than $400 USD), and isn't burdensome technically, so an engaged group of students with some guidance should have little trouble running and maintaining a stake pool. The community is very engaged and helpful, so there is always assistance to be had if it is needed. The network has been running since inception with no down-time, and no assets have been compromised. It is considered one of the most robust and secure networks in the world in large part due to its measure twice/cut once approach.

If you are interested in running a node for your community or you are a current node operator interested in helping others create a node for their community please inquire below and we will introduce you to the School Stake Pool Incubator Program.

Incubator Program