Accelerating Student Access to Cardano through Project Catalyst.

MAV100 has multiple initiatives designed to support students in different aspects of their schooling.  From creating official blockchain advisory positions in school districts that support community adoption, to creating a Stake Pool Incubator Program that donates equipment and expertise to students, parents, and school officials who build their own stake pools, MAV100 is determined to bring the benefits of blockchain to the next generation.

Ideascale Proposals

Catalyst Proposals

Cardano Stake Pool Incubator Program

Cardano Stake Pool Incubator Program

MAV100 is pleased to present the School Stake Pool Incubator program. Our goal is to begin building organic stake pool rewards throughout student communities immediately, as well as satisfy our goal of improving decentralization.

With funding from project catalyst we will expand the number of stake pools that we can support dramatically, including school districts from different geographic locations.  We have already started a stake pool that is supporting over 17,000 students in 5 school districts, but students around the world could be earning their own ADA, and we intend to make that happen! 

Catalyst Proposal
CHS Telenet Club Advisor

CHS Telenet Club Advisor

Our students are doing a great job engaging the community to spread knowledge about the benefits of the Cardano Ecosystem, but sometimes they need guidance and a ride around town.  With this Student On-boarding proposal they hope to add a paid advisor within the school district who can act as both a source of transport and technical knowledge concerning the community network they are trying to build.  This would fund an adult supervisor just like the school football coach, or FBLA Club advisor, which sets an important precedent in the integration of blockchain into schools.

Catalyst Proposal
World Mobile Community Telecommunications Network

World Mobile Community Telecommunications Network

The ASB Telenet Clubs are excited to build a community telecommunications network with the core based in schools.  World Mobile enables that opportunity with the sharing economy that they are building.  We intend to both educate school districts through Telenet Clubs on the use of World Mobile equipment, as well as become a bridge to businesses, churches, and individuals who are interested in partnering with the students to improve the reach of the network.  This proposal will help fund the donation of more airnodes to student ASB Clubs and kick-start the adoption of our networks in schools.

Catalyst Proposal
Creating Alliance Campuses in schools using Cornucopias Custom Domes

Creating Alliance Campuses in schools using Cornucopias Custom Domes

Finding a reliable, intuitive, and inclusive Learning Management System (LMS) for schools has been a challenge.  The lack of a successful online learning environment was made clear during the last 4 years, and school districts we have reached out to have made it clear that they are looking to make improvements in their online environments. Using custom Domes we intend to make an environment that is customizable to the needs of different schools.  This proposal will help fund the integration of a prominent Cardano Metaverse into schools around the world.

Catalyst Proposal
Creating and Testing a Point of Sale App in collaboration with Sundae and Yepple Labs

Creating and Testing a Point of Sale App in collaboration with Sundae and Yepple Labs

We will soon have a community where many of the key members of the economy including, students, their families, and local businesses, all own Cardano Native Assets through stake pool rewards and World Mobile Airnodes.  With this proposal we intend to create an open source fast payment app that is compatible with all of these assets. Over the course of the next 6 months we will prepare the community to use these newly acquired assets and integrate them into the our local economy, giving valuable testing data for the development of an alternative to apps like Square or similar platforms.

Catalyst Proposal
Self Driven: Creating a framework for more inclusive learning.

Self Driven: Creating a framework for more inclusive learning.

Self Driven proposes to work with a leading group of students to create a learn-by-example introduction to decentralisation technologies. They will explore and implement ways to organise, launch projects, and integrate these methods within their communities using the selfdriven and Cardano frameworks and technology.

Catalyst Proposal