What is Cornucopias?

What is Cornucopias?

Cornucopias is building a virtual platform that enables a stunning variety of different applications. There is a game world where people can engage in building, farming, adventuring, and exploring in a family friendly environment. There are also customizable domes where individuals or organizations can build out their virtual space for their own needs.
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Custom Domes

Custom Domes

MAV100 intends to acquire custom domes where an ASB club can build their own school on a virtual campus with ASB clubs from other places around the world. While there is no substitute for in-class learning, improving the virtual learning experience has become more important over the last few years, and giving students a customizable environment specifically geared towards improving that experience is a great first step.
Learn about Custom Domes
Sharing Resources

Sharing Resources

Creating a collective virtual space where kids can benefit from the same resources can bring a lot of educational tools into one place so that students from even the most remote places can benefit from them. Have some students that need help with math or reading? Does someone need insights on their physics project? Creating a community education zone where verified tutors and volunteers are on call to thousands of students and paid for by the networks the student ASB Clubs generate can bring a lot of value to everyone.